Takaisin Invaluable supports in climate action from agriculture and forestry


Invaluable supports in climate action from agriculture and forestry


Central Union of Agricultural Producers and Forest Owners (MTK) has published its roadmap to balance emissions and removals of greenhouse gases.

MTK´s Climate Programme has four pillars: emissions down, sequestration up, replaced by renewables, adaptation as a key.  

The programme recalls the essential role of productive plant growth and photosynthesis in sequestring carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. It recalls research and information to reveal the capacity of active farming and forest management in sequestring and storing carbon and in substituting for fossil materials and energy.

The programme shows how farmers and forest owners are key players contributing to climate challenges. To ensure sustainable biomass production and soil care, adaptation to climate change is prerequisite.

More information:
Dr. Liisa Pietola, Head of Environmental Affairs, MTK +358 504384014