Takaisin Science-based information package 'Sustainability of Finland’s forests' was sent to Finnish MEPs


Science-based information package 'Sustainability of Finland’s forests' was sent to Finnish MEPs


MTK sent the 'Sustainability of Finland's forest' brochure to the Finnish Members of the European Parliament to contribute science-based to the ongoing forest debate.

75% of the total land area of Finland is covered by forests, representing 10% of the forests in Europe.
75% of the total land area of Finland is covered by forests, representing 10% of the forests in Europe.


MTK has sent the 'Sustainability of Finland’s forests' brochure to the Finnish Members of the European Parliament to contribute to the ongoing debate on Finnish forests.

The new science-based information package on the sustainability of Finland's forest is produced by the Finnish Forest Association.

The brochure contains facts e.g. on forest protection and research, forest ownership as well as forest growth in Finland.


Further information:

Forest Director Juha Hakkarainen, juha.hakkarainen@mtk.fi, +358 400 870 867


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