Takaisin Webinar: Soil guardians – Farmers and forest owners for zero-pollution


Webinar: Soil guardians – Farmers and forest owners for zero-pollution


The EU Green Week 2021 Partner Event webinar 'Soil guardians – Farmers and forest owners for zero-pollution' on the 4th of June 2021.

The EU Green Week 2021 Partner Event webinar 'Soil guardians – Farmers and forest owners for zero-pollution' on the 4th of June 2021.

The webinar discloses how and what will be the role of agricultural producers and forest owners in helping the EU to meet the zero-pollution ambition. The webinar focuses especially on the active soil management, fertility, and local differences in cultivation conditions. The presented MTK-SLC water and soil programs bring together 100 measures that agricultural and forestry actors see as essential steps to ensure soil productivity and healthy, towards zero-pollution.

Please find the MTK's and SLC's Soil and Water Programmes here.

What? Webinar: Soil guardians – Farmers and forest owners for zero-pollution
Where? Online, on Teams → Registration below
When? Friday, 4th of June 2021 at 9:15-10:30 CET



9:15 Welcome
         Ms. Hanna Leiponen-Syyrakki
, Director of the Brussels office of MTK

9:20 Introduction of the results of the MTK-SLC water and soil programs
         Dr. Liisa Pietola, Head of Environmental Affairs of MTK

9:45 EU commission’s comment speech
         Mr. Mirco Barbero, Policy Officer - Soil protection and sustainable land use

9:55 Young farmer’s comment speech
         Ms. Doris Letina, Vice President of the European council of young farmers (CEJA)

10:05 Scientist’s comment speech
           Dr. Tania Runge, Scientist at the Thünen-Institute of Rural Studies

10:15 Questions and discussion

10:25 Concluding words
   Mr. Pekka Pesonen, Secretary-General of Copa-Cogeca

10:30 The webinar ends 


Watch the webinar recording here.


Further information:

Liisa Pietola, Head of Environmental Affairs liisa.pietola@mtk.fi, +358 50 438 4014

Tiina Paajanen, Trainee, tiina.paajanen@mtk.fi, +32 47 133 0924


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