Takaisin The importance of the active ingredient triflusulfuron-methyl for weed control in sugar beet in Finland


The importance of the active ingredient triflusulfuron-methyl for weed control in sugar beet in Finland


Nordic Beet Research NBR 

The importance of the active ingredient triflusulfuron-methyl for weed control in sugar beet in Finland 

Sugar beet is grown in South-western Finland. Sugar beet is important part of crop rotation on these farms. Sugar beet growing has a very important economical meaning on these farms. Good weed control on sugar beet is essential on weed control of the whole crop rotation.  

A possible loss of triflusulfuron-methyl would endanger efficient weed control in sugar beet production. The loss of desmedipham in sugar beet growing by 2021 has already made weed control more difficult. The possible loss of phenmedipham would make good and economical weed control in the sugar beet very challenging. Triflusulfuton-methyl has an important part of Low Dose Weed Control System.  

In Finland soils have typically high organic matter content. Also rain amounts in the springtime are in many occasions low and soil is dry, when the herbicides are applied. In these conditions triflusulfuron-methyl gives good effect and supplements the effect of other herbicides.  

About half of the dicot herbicides are in the process of possible registration renewal. Too low number of active ingredients and mode of actions would mean increased risk of resistance. Triflusulfuron-methyl ads another mode of action besides phenmedipham, ethofumesate and metamitron 

Triflusulfuron-methyl is essential for the control of certain weed species, which can significantly reduce yield, if not controlled. It enhances and supplements the weed control of certain weed species. Such weeds are for example oil seed rape (Brassica napus), Cruciferous weeds (Brassicaceae), Knotgrass (Polygonum aviculare), Hemp-nettle (Galeopsis spp.), Black night shade (Solanum nigrum) and Fat hen (Chenopodium album). 

In Finnish growing conditions sugar beet fields are rather long time open for weeds to emergence, grow and compete with sugar beet on growing space and nutrients. Weeds can significantly reduce yield of sugar beet and also the yields of the following crops. It would mean increased seed bank in soil. 

Triflusulfuron-methyl is an essential part of weed control in Finnish sugar beet growing ensuring enough beet raw material and continuation of the sugar production in the Säkylä sugar factory. 

New chemicals or other alternative methods should be developed, tested and be economically available before denying use of important active ingredients. 


Antti Lavonen

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